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under 10 minutes #1: Burns

Be Alert, Act Fast. Never Play With Fire. Keep Away From Fire Hazards. Children Should Never Play With Lighters.

Tip #1 - DONT

  • Touch the burnt area


  • Remove anything that is stuck to the burn unless it is contaminated with chemicals

  • Apply ICE and overcool the casualty

  • Use ghee, oil, lotions, ointments or cream

  • Use adhesive dressings

Tip #2 - DO

  • Hold the burn under cool or lukewarm running water for 10 minutes or until the pain eases. As you do this, remove any constrictive jewelry and clothing. Cover with Sterile dressing or kitchen film

  • Additional steps for Face/ Mouth Burns

  • Maintain the airway, loosening clothing around the casualty’s neck if needed

  • Give casualty ice or sips of cold water to relieve the pain and any swelling

  • Monitor the casualty continuously, as any injury may cause difficulty in breathing

  • Additional precautions for chemical burns:

  • As you pour cold water over the burn, be careful not to splash water on you or the casualty

  • If eyes are exposed to a chemical burn, irrigate both eyelids under cool water and ensure water is running away from the face.

  • If the casualty is wearing contact lenses, ask them to remove lenses if possible

Explanation of types of burn

Degrees of burn and treatment First Degree Burn (Hindi):

Second Degree Burn (Hindi):

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