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Writer's picturePrachetas Yeri

under 10 minutes #2: Drowning

Introduction to Drowning

Drowning types - Wet, Dry, Secondary

Tip #1 - DONT

  • Get into water unless you are trained to rescue victims

  • Start CPR until you have confirmed the patient is unresponsive

  • Assume the victim is okay if he /she is responsive.

Tip #2 - DO

  • Pull out the victim

  • If the victim is an adult, gently shake their shoulders or pinch their earlobe. If the victim is a child or an infant, tap their sole

  • Check if the victim is breathing by observing their chest rise and fall or listening to their breathing. If the victim is not breathing, open their airway and start giving them breaths through their mouth. Ensure that when you give breaths to the victim, his/her chest rises.

  • Once the victim is responsive, put them in recovery position and cover them with a blanket to avoid hypothermia 

  • Keep a close eye on the victim for next 48 hours to detect any symptoms of dry and/or secondary drowning

CPR for drowning adults

CPR for downing babies

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